How to renew a state license

  • Updated

ShipCompliant can remind you when your licenses need renewal, and give you information to help you through the process. You can track your license renewal process and see a guide to requirements directly from the state Licenses page.

  1. In ShipCompliant, go to Setup and click Licenses.


  2. Hover over the license you need to renew, then click Renew on the right. 


  3. You can track your renewal progress with the checkboxes, and see a guide to renewal for the license you've selected.
    1. As you check off renewal steps, you'll see the In progress indicator appear on the renewal icon in the table.


  4. Once you've renewed your license with the state, click I have renewed my license.


  5. Choose how you'd like to renew your license.
    1. Extending the expiration date keeps your license information the same, and allows you to input a new expiration date.
    2. Adding a new license will create a second version of the same license in the table, with a different number, information, and effective dates. You may choose to retire your previous expiring license by changing its status to Retired.


If adding a new license, make sure that there isn't a gap in coverage between the dates of your old license and those of your new license. Your new license should become effective before or directly after your old license expires. If it doesn't, this gap in compliance may affect your ShipCompliant reports and filings.

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