Some businesses use a different legal name, DBA, or business address with different license types or states. When you enter custom company info on your license, or in Advanced Name Preferences, your specified name will appear on your state reports. If a name is not specified, ShipCompliant will use the default legal and DBA names stored in Account Settings - Basic Information.
Customizing your company name or address by license
You can edit your license settings to specify a custom doing business as name (a.k.a. DBA or trade name) as well as a custom business address. If a custom license name or address are specified they will appear in the applicable areas on any document in ShipCompliant where that license is used.
Product registration packets and price postings will include these customized DBAs and addresses, too. To see more about customizing these forms, read this article.
- In ShipCompliant, go to Setup, then click Licenses.
- Click Edit next to the license you’d like to add a DBA name or license address to.
- Enter the DBA Name, the License Address, or both.
- Click Save.
Customizing your company name by document type
In Advanced Name Settings you can assign a customized DBA name, legal name, or both to a type of document (excise tax, sales tax, and distributor reports).
If you specify a custom DBA on your license and by document type, the license DBA will take precedence.
- In ShipCompliant, go to Settings, then click Account Settings.
- Click Advanced Name Settings.
- Enter your preferred Legal Name and Trade Name by document type.
- Click Save Preferences.
Updating name preferences on an existing report
If an existing report needs to be updated to reflect the new Advanced Name Preferences, recalculate the report.
- Complete the steps listed in one or both of the previous sections.
- Go to the Reports tab and select View Reports.
- Click the arrow next to the report you’d like your advanced name preferences settings to be applied to.
- Click Recalculate.
- Print or view your report to see your updated information.