Contact us

If you haven’t found the answers you’re looking for in ShipCompliant Help, you can contact ShipCompliant’s support staff directly.

Email ShipCompliant Client Support:

Email AutoFile Client Support:

If you’re unable to email, call: 978-527-1228.

Sovos' client support team hours are 6:00 am – 6:00 pm (MST) Monday through Friday.

Sovos is closed for business on the following U.S. holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. Additionally, with respect to payment processing, Sovos observes all Federal Reserve banking holidays. 


Best practices for working with our Support team

It's always beneficial to include as much information as you have when contacting Support. The more specifics you include, the quicker we can help you. Here are some examples of helpful information:

  • The specific state or report you're having issues with
  • The type of error or a description of the error - details are great, screenshots are even better
  • Any steps you've taken to resolve the issue already
  • Your account name
  • If applicable, a previous case number for reference

When reaching out to Support via email, make sure to respond in the same email thread if there is one open. When calling, have your name and account name accessible, and the case number if you're following up on an open case.